Maths And Science

Monday, March 30, 2009

CME project (write ip story of the recent Olmpics)

In 2008, the month of August, the Bei jing olympic started .
Many countries were invovled and athletics are ready to set off for their event. The athletics showed prode by doing their very best to get a medal for their country. Exellence is important for athletics because without it we can never do our best in the race. Athletics such as Michale Phleps prepared himself by eating loads of food such as omeletes for breakfast as he burns 10'000 calories per day .
Michale Phelps os a good example of exellence as he prepares himself both Mentally and Physically .
He broke the world record by getting 8 gold medals for all the swimming events .
He had tried his best fro every event he took part in . I think he shows the value , exellence , in the Olympic Games .
This shows that it doesn't matter win or lose but most important is that we try our best to complete the race .
Another example was ,Usan Bolt , he shows exellence in completing the race and peserverance because he ran very fast. He said that "My country send mee here to take part in the race but not to give up half way through ."
he showed exellence as he didn't cared about the spectator but just continued in his own race .
He has his own goal in his mind ...
All he has in his mind is that to complete the race and not to complete the race ..

Friday, March 27, 2009

recent olympics and singapore olympics

Saturday, March 21, 2009

THe cme project

The picture below is for the CME project
Late submission :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


WhAt i EnjoYEd Most in ThIs ChaptEr ?
-The algebra sub-chapter that i like about is the quadratic factorisaTION.
What i think i DID well in this chapter ?
What i found difficult or confusing ?
-The method used in the quadratic factorisation.
What i can do to improve ?
-Practise more and DO more Assessment.

SCienCe-SExuaL EdUcatiOn

What i enjoyed the most in ths chapter ?
-I like the chAPter on sexual education as the lesson is a different type of lesson.
This time , it was the students that are teaching . Therefore, i think it is quite interesting .
What i think i did well in this chapter?
-The labelling of parts in pop quiz for both male & female reproduction parts.
What i found difficult oR confusing?
-The labelling of the menstrual cycle
What i can do to IMPROVE?
-I will try & revise to improve.

Location: Singapore ?, Chinese, Singapore


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